Our design process


Have an idea for a new application, but don't know where to start when it comes to the user interface? We'll sit down with you and discuss the features you want in your application to create a functionality specification for the UI. We will then work with our backend developers (or yours, depending on the project) to insure technical feasibility before continuing.

Diagraming + Wireframing

Based on the UI functionality spec, we will then diagram the interaction hierarchy for the application. This makes the creation of wireframes and mockups much easier, as there is a set pattern of interaction to follow when designing the visual user interface.

The wireframing process helps lay out a low fidelity version of what the visual UI will look like. These wireframes create a 'blueprint' from which the high fidelity mockups are built.

Mockup Design

This is the stage where the user interface gains its visual identity. Using Photoshop®, we create a close to 1:1 high fidelity mockup of what the UI will look like when actually implemented. Because all of the interaction aspects of the UI have been taken care of at this point, we are free to make your application truly shine from an aesthetic standpoint.


Implementation is simply just that, taking the high fidelity mockups and interaction diagrams and drawing from both of them to create the user interface in the platform's UI markup language. We currently specialize in UI implementation of Windows .net WPF & Silverlight applications, Windows Phone 7 apps, and embedded linux applications using the QT framework.


When the project comes to a close, we will provide you with a user interface spec document. This document will usually contain screen shots of each 'screen' in the application along with notes describing each screen. The notes on these pages will contain detailed information about visual aspects of the UI such as font size, margin between items, etc., at well as notes on the interactive aspects of the application. This insures that if someone has to modify the project in the future, they are able to do so without too much trouble.

Usability Testing

Usability testing is an add-on service we can provide at any or all stages from the conceptualization to mockup design steps of the project. We can also work with your marketing team to determine if the feedback received falls in line with the image and ideas your company is trying to project.

Our design philosophy

"Just enough is more."

This quote forms the cornerstone of our design philosophy. We believe that design is at its best when you remove as many superfluous items as possible, while still maintaining the integrity of what you are designing.

Be Flexible

We don't mind modifying our design process to suit your needs. In fact, we can provide you with all of or even just one of the services listed above depending on what your needs are.

Work Well With Others

We have experience working with everyone from programmers to project managers to marketing people to graphic artists from outside our company during the design and implementation process. We can easily adapt to work with anyone involved in the completion of your project, whether they come from your company or a third party.